Let your tear wash the salt of the pain of all our eternity.
May the present pain that wants to appear sore be softened by your serenity.
May I discover that you are the gentle breeze that calms the wind I am.
May you reveal yourself as the dreamed companion
To face daily life, but also be the secret accomplice
Of the sidereal flights of my uneasy soul.
Join me and be the sweet part of my fierce heart, calm me in you.
Rarity, delicate flower to which I have dedicated my frank affection in my existences.
I have cultivated you as a depository of my sincere affection, precious in my heart.
You are the purest seed I nursed in the arid lands of my old heart.
Thus, among many flowers, I seduce for you body and soul;
I shelter only you.
If you do not believe or doubt my words,
Sees the sincere confession of my gaze.
If you distrust the volubility of my temper,
Unravel the peace I keep for you.
If you fear my impetuous dreams, look up at the sky and find our star.
You see with what charm it shines!
It is the fire of your eyes, it is the light of your tenderest tear.
It is the brightness that animates me, which gives me patience and perseverance,
That makes me alive.
And if in my words you have difficulty judging me,
Do not judge me, just trust in your heart and you will see that you are part of me and I of you.
And so to be, so to speak, I also want to be the flower of the garden of your intimacy.
I want to be the star that lives the promise with which you cherish your best dreams.
And for this I propose an alliance:
I also give you a tear of mine.
A droplet that does not represent sadness, but emotion of the joy of having you.
And that, I hope, is the antidote to the downward curve
That wants to sprout in your smile, saddening the face that inspires me,
Taking from me the possibility of being happy.
For it is in you that I keep the oasis of pure water to face the desert of this world,
Charming that aroused the ardor of my first summer,
The heat of primitive passion.
The first flower that awakened my taste for the springs, promise of fulfillment.
Soft breeze that I dream to have by my side in the fall of the leaves of my fall moment.
Burning flame of soul that I hope to be with me at the end of my long winter.
I love you for the sacred love I have kept through you.
Therefore, I say to you:
Cherish your old warrior with your infantile joy, companion of many ephemerities, divine grace of my eternity.
Gilberto Brandão Marcon
terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2017
domingo, 26 de fevereiro de 2017
Without understanding...
Why the roses were cruel, and the lilies of the field ruthless with me?
Why did the dawn of a new day and the charm of a beautiful sunset hurt my feeling?
Why did the wave of the sea, along with the passing cloud, take away all my hope?
Now the night wants to buy all my dreams and the stars want to sell all my emotions.
what did I do wrong?
But I asked the tallest mountain if it could turn one of my fairy tales into reality, and, she said yes.
I do not converse with my imaginations, so I broke all my mirrors and my eyes went into pieces.
I keep in my chest seven wishes and in the last eclipse I made a request, if I could feel the scent of his way of being; But a strong mist contained in my desert, appeared before me and destroyed one of my desires ... now I have only six left.
No, do not do that ... do not remove the petals from my heart, because it hurts and hurts me, causing my tears to come to bleed.
Please do not crucify me upside down, for not taking you to the source of the rivers, as I wanted you to be here in the depths of my ocean.
Maybe you have not noticed that every time that sad and negative thoughts try to invade your being, I become your scarecrow in intent to protect you.
There's no way I'm going to get close to you, if there's arrows all over the place, indicating the wrong ways ... and I need you so much to feel here by my side.
Do not give me your spring now, because the thorns of my rose hurt me every time I want you in my fall.
Now, I have to leave, because I need to wake up and wake up my world, before the lights dim.
Nelson Pereira
Sem Entender...
Por que as rosas foram cruéis e os lírios do campo foram impiedosos comigo?
Por que a aurora de um novo dia e o encanto de um lindo pôr-do-sol feriram meu sentimento?
Por que a onda do mar juntamente com aquela nuvem que passa distante, levaram para longe toda minha esperança?
Agora a noite quer comprar todos meus sonhos e as estrelas querem vender todas minhas emoções.
O que fiz de errado?
Mas eu perguntei a mais alta montanha se podia transformar um dos meus contos de fada em realidade, e, ela disse que sim.
Eu não converso com minhas imaginações, por isso quebrei todos meus espelhos e os meus olhos ficaram em cacos.
Eu guardo em meu baú sete desejos e no último eclipse fiz um pedido, se eu podia sentir o perfume do seu jeito de ser; mas, uma forte névoa contida no meu deserto, se apresentou perante a mim e destruiu um dos meus desejos... agora só me restam seis.
Não, não faça isso... não retire as pétalas do meu coração, porque isso dói e me fere, fazendo que minhas lágrimas venham sangrar.
Por favor não me crucifique de cabeça para baixo, por não ter lhe levado à nascente dos rios, como eu queria que você estivesse aqui nas profundezas do meu oceano.
Talvez você não observou que todas às vezes que pensamentos tristes e negativos tentam invadir seu ser, eu me transformo em seu espantalho na intenção de lhe proteger.
Não tem como me aproximar de você, se por todos os lados, há setas indicando caminhos errados... e eu estou precisando tanto te sentir aqui ao meu lado.
Não me dê a sua primavera agora, porque os espinhos da minha rosa me ferem todas às vezes q lhe desejo no meu outono.
Agora, tenho que partir, porque preciso acordar e despertar meu mundo, antes que as luzes se escureçam.
Nelson Pereira
sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2017
Sense of life
Often enough just be:
Lap that welcomes,
Arm that wraps around
Word that comforts,
Silence that respect.
Joy that is contagious,
Tear that runs,
Look that caress,
Desire that satiates,
Love that promotes.
And this is not something from another world,
It is what gives meaning to life
Cora Coralina
I sing because the moment exists
And my life is complete.
I'm not happy or sad:
I'm a poet.
Brother of fleeting things,
I feel neither joy nor torment.
I go through nights and days
in the wind.
If I fall apart or if I build,
If I remain or I undo,
- I do not know I do not know.
I do not know if I stay or I go.
I know I sing.
And the song is everything.
Has eternal blood the rhythmic wing
And one day I know I'll be speechless:
- nothing more.
Cecília Meireles
Woman Soul
Nothing more contradictory than being a woman ...
Woman that think with the heart,
Acts by emotion and wins by love.
Who lives millions of emotions in one day
And transmits each of them in a single look.
Who charges of herself to perfection and lives
Making excuses for mistakes, of those she loves.
Who lodges in the womb other souls, gives birth
and then she is blinded by the beauty of her children.
Who gives wings, teaches to fly, but does not want to see the birds go away,
even knowing that they do not belong to her.
That is all embellished and perfumes the bed, yet
your love even realize more such details.
That as in a magic transforms in light and smile the pains that she feels in the soul,
Just so nobody can notice.
And you still have to be strong to shrug for those who need them to cry.
Happy the man who for a day knows,
To understand the Woman's Soul!
(Lucinete Vieira)
sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2017
O Senhor Deus me ensina o que devo dizer...
O sofrimento e a fidelidade do servo de Deus
4 O Senhor Deus me ensina o que devo dizer a fim de animar os que estão cansados.
Todas as manhãs, ele faz com que eu tenha vontade de ouvir com atenção o que ele vai dizer.
5 O Senhor Deus me deu entendimento, e eu não me revoltei, nem fugi dele.
6 Ofereci as minhas costas aos que me batiam e o rosto aos que arrancavam a minha barba.
Não tentei me esconder quando me xingavam e cuspiam no meu rosto.
7 Mas eu não me sinto envergonhado, pois o Senhor Deus me ajuda.
Por isso, eu fico firme como uma rocha e sei que não serei humilhado, 8 pois o meu defensor está perto.
Alguém tem uma causa contra mim?
Então vamos juntos ao tribunal.
Alguém quer me processar?
Que venha e apresente a sua acusação!
9 O Senhor Deus é quem me defende, e por isso ninguém poderá me condenar.
Todos os meus inimigos desaparecerão; serão como um vestido que as traças destruíram.
10 Escutem, vocês que temem o Senhor e obedecem às ordens do seu servo: se o caminho em que andam é escuro, sem nenhum raio de luz, confiem no Senhor,
ponham a sua esperança no seu Deus.
11 Mas vocês que acendem uma fogueira e se armam com flechas incendiárias, todos vocês cairão no fogo que acenderam e serão mortos pelas suas próprias flechas.
O Senhor mandará esse castigo; um sofrimento horrível os espera.
The Lord God gives me the right words
God's Servant Must Suffer
4 The Lord God gives me the right words to encourage the weary.
Each morning he awakens me eager to learn his teaching; 5 he made me willing to listen and not rebel or run away.
6 I let them beat my back and pull out my beard.
I didn't turn aside when they insulted me and spit in my face.
7 But the Lord God keeps me from being disgraced.
So I refuse to give up, because I know God will never let me down.
8 My protector is nearby; no one can stand here to accuse me of wrong.
9 The Lord God will help me and prove I am innocent.
My accusers will wear out like moth-eaten clothes.
10 None of you respect the Lord or obey his servant.
You walk in the dark instead of the light; you don't trust the name of the Lord your God.
11 Go ahead and walk in the light of the fires you have set.
But with his own hand, the Lord will punish you and make you suffer.
The loving forgetfulness!
I now, - What an outcome!
I do not even think about you anymore ...
But I never leave
To remember that I forgot you?
In solitude in the twilight of dawn.
I saw you in the night, in the stars, in the planets,
In the seas, in the sunshine and at dusk.
I saw you yesterday, today, tomorrow ...
But I did not see you at the moment.
I miss you
The Moonlight
The moonlight,
It is the light of the sun that is dreaming
Time does not stop!
Longing is what makes things stop in time ...
... the true verses are not for wrapping,
But to shake ...
The great sadness of the rivers is that they can not take your image ..
"If you forget me, just forget me very slowly"
"Time does not stop! Only the longing is what makes things stop in time ... "
Mario Quintana
See you Rosa ...
See you Rosa ...
Unique ...
I see you in my dreams ... Woman.
(Unknown author)
Thank You!
I will let die in me the desire to love your eyes that are sweet
Because nothing I can give you, but the hurt of seeing me eternally exhausted.
However, your presence is anything like light and life
And I feel that in my gesture there is your gesture and in my voice your voice.
I do not want to have you, because in my being everything would be finished
I only want you to arise in me like faith in the desperate ones
So that I may carry a drop of dew in this cursed land
That stayed on my flesh like a stain of the past.
I will leave You ... and you will go and touch your face on another face
Your fingers will join other fingers and you will blossom for the dawn
But you will not know that the one who harvested you was me, because I was the great intimate of the night
Because I leaned my face in the face of the night and heard your loving speech
Because my fingers locked the fingers of the mist suspended in space
And I have brought to me the mysterious essence of your disorderly abandonment.
I'll be just like the sailboats in the silent ports.
But I will possess you more than anyone because I can leave
And all the lamentations of the sea, the wind, the sky, the birds, the stars
It will be your voice present, your voice absent, your voice serene.
Miss you...
I miss everything that marked my life.
When I see pictures, when I smell,
When I hear a voice, when I remember the past,
I miss you...
I miss friends that I never saw again,
Of people with whom I have not spoken or crossed ...
I miss my childhood,
Of my first love, of my second, of the third,
Of the penultimate one and of those that I will still have, God willing ...
I miss the present,
That I did not take advantage of everything,
Remembering the past
And betting on the future ...
I miss the future,
Which if idealized,
It probably will not be the way I think it's going to be ...
I miss who left me and whom I left!
Of who said that
And did not appear;
Of who appeared running,
Without knowing me right,
Of whom I will never have the opportunity to know.
I miss those who left and I did not say goodbye!
Of those who have not
How to say goodbye;
Of people on the opposite side of my life
And that I only saw in a glimpse!
I miss things I had
And others that I did not have
But wanted very much to have!
I miss things
Which I do not even know existed.
I miss serious things,
Of hilarious things,
Of cases, of experiences ...
I miss the puppy that I had one day.
And who loved me faithfully, as only dogs are capable of doing!
I miss the books I read and that made me travel!
I miss the albums I heard and that made me dream,
I miss the things I've lived
And those I let pass,
Without total enjoyment.
How many times I feel like finding ... I do not know what ...
I do not know where...
To rescue something that I do not even know what it is or where I lost ...
I see the world spinning and I think I might be missing you
In Japanese, in Russian,
In Italian, in English ...
But what my longing,
Because I was born in Brazil,
Only speaks Portuguese, although, deep down, it can be polyglot.
In fact, they say that one always uses the mother tongue,
Spontaneously when
We are desperate
To count money ... to make love ...
Declare strong feelings ...
Wherever in the world we are.
I believe that a simple
I miss you
Or whatever
How can we translate saudade into another language,
Will never have the same strength and meaning of our word.
Maybe it does not spell correctly
The immense lack
What do we feel about things?
Or loved ones.
And that's why I miss you the most ...
Because I found a word
To use every time
In which I feel this tightness in the chest,
Half nostalgic, half yummy,
But that works best
Than a vital sign
When you want to talk about life?
And feelings.
It is the unequivocal proof
That we are sensitive!
That we love so much
What we had
And we regret the good things
That we have lost throughout our existence ...
Clarice Lispector
quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2017
God is here right now
God is here right now
Your presence is real in my life.
Give your life and your problems
Talk to God, He will help you.
God brought you here
To alleviate your sufferings
He is the author of the faith
From start to finish
In all your torments
And even if treacherous nights come,
If the cross is heavy, Christ will be with you.
And the world can even make you cry.
But God wants you to smile
And yet if treacherous nights come
If the cross is heavy, Christ will be with you.
The world may even make you cry
But God wants you to smile.
Whatever your problem, talk to God.
He will help you.
After the pain comes always the joy,
For God is love and will not let you suffer
God brought you here.
To relieve your suffering
He is the author of the faith
From start to finish
In all your torments
And even if treacherous nights come,
If the cross is heavy, Christ will be with you.
And the world can even make you cry.
But God wants you to smile
And yet if treacherous nights come
If the cross is heavy, Christ will be with you.
And the world can even make you cry.
But God wants you to smile.
Is God's message a burden?
A Message of Hope
The Lord said:
1 You leaders of my people are like shepherds that kill and scatter the sheep. 2 You were supposed to take care of my people, but instead you chased them away. So now I'll punish you severely and make you pay for your crimes!
3 I will bring the rest of my people home from the lands where I have scattered them, and they will grow into a mighty nation. 4 I promise to choose leaders who will care for them like real shepherds. All of my people will be there, and they will never again be frightened.
5 Someday I will appoint an honest king from the family of David, a king who will be wise
and rule with justice.
6 As long as he is king, Israel will have peace, and Judah will be safe.
The name of this king will be “The Lord Gives Justice.”
7 A time will come when you will again worship me. But you will no longer call me the Living God who rescued Israel from Egypt. 8 Instead, you will call me the Living God who rescued you from the land in the north and from all the other countries where I had forced you to go. And you will once again live in your own land.
Jeremiah Thinks about Unfaithful Prophets
9 When I think of the prophets, I am shocked, and I tremble like someone drunk, because of the Lord and his sacred words.
10 Those unfaithful prophets misuse their power all over the country.
So God turned the pasturelands into scorching deserts.
The Lord Will Punish Unfaithful Prophets
11The Lord told me to say:
You prophets and priests think so little of me, the Lord, that you even sin in my own temple!
12 Now I will punish you with disaster, and you will slip and fall in the darkness.
I, the Lord, have spoken.
13 The prophets in Samaria were repulsive to me, because they preached in the name of Baal
and led my people astray.
14 And you prophets in Jerusalem are even worse.
You're unfaithful in marriage and never tell the truth.
You even lead others to sin instead of helping them turn back to me.
You and the people of Jerusalem are evil like Sodom and Gomorrah.
15 You prophets in Jerusalem have spread evil everywhere.
That's why I, the Lord, promise to give you bitter poison to eat and drink.
The Lord Gives a Warning
The Lord said:
16 Don't listen to the lies of these false prophets, you people of Judah!
The message they preach is something they imagined; it did not come from me, the Lord All-Powerful.
17 These prophets go to people who refuse to respect me and who are stubborn and do whatever they please.
The prophets tell them, “The Lord has promised everything will be fine.”
18 But I, the Lord, tell you that these prophets have never attended a meeting of my council in heaven or heard me speak.
19 They are evil! So in my anger I will strike them like a violent storm.
20 I won't calm down, until I have finished what I have decided to do.
Someday you will understand exactly what I mean.
21 I did not send these prophets or speak to them, but they ran to find you and to preach their message.
22 If they had been in a meeting of my council in heaven, they would have told you people of Judah to give up your sins and come back to me.
23 I am everywhere— both near and far, 24 in heaven and on earth.
There are no secret places where you can hide from me.
25 These unfaithful prophets claim that I have given them a dream or a vision, and then they tell lies in my name. 26 But everything they say comes from their own twisted minds. How long can this go on? 27 They tell each other their dreams and try to get my people to reject me, just as their ancestors left me and worshiped Baal. 28 Their dreams and my truth are as different as straw and wheat. But when prophets speak for me, they must say only what I have told them. 29 My words are a powerful fire; they are a hammer that shatters rocks.
30-32These unfaithful prophets claim I give them their dreams, but it isn't true. I didn't choose them to be my prophets, and yet they babble on and on, speaking in my name, while stealing words from each other. And when my people hear these liars, they are led astray instead of being helped. So I warn you that I am now the enemy of these prophets. I, the Lord, have spoken.
News and Nuisance
The Lord said to me:
33 Jeremiah, when a prophet or a priest or anyone else comes to you and asks, “Does the Lord have news for us?” tell them, “You people are a nuisance to the Lord, and he will get rid of you.”
34 If any of you say, “Here is news from the Lord,” I will punish you and your families, even if you are a prophet or a priest. 35 Instead, you must ask your friends and relatives, “What answer did the Lord give?” or “What has the Lord said?” 36 It seems that you each have your own news! So if you say, “Here is news from the Lord,” you are twisting my words into a lie. Remember that I am your God, the Lord All-Powerful.
37 If you go to a prophet, it's all right to ask, “What answer did the Lord give to my question?” or “What has the Lord said?” 38 But if you disobey me and say, “Here is news from the Lord,” 39 I will pick you up and throw you far away. And I will abandon this city of Jerusalem that I gave to your ancestors. 40 You will never be free from your shame and disgrace.
terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2017
Te levanta! E vai agradecer aquilo que tens esquecido.
15— Amigos, por que vocês estão fazendo isso? Nós somos apenas seres humanos, como vocês. Estamos aqui anunciando o evangelho a vocês para que abandonem essas coisas que não servem para nada. Convertam-se ao Deus vivo, que fez o céu, a terra, o mar e tudo o que existe neles. 16 No passado Deus deixou que todos os povos andassem nos seus próprios caminhos. 17 Mas Deus sempre mostra quem ele é por meio das coisas boas que faz: é ele quem manda as chuvas do céu e as colheitas no tempo certo; é ele quem dá também alimento para vocês e enche o coração de vocês de alegria.
Get up! And thank for what you have forgotten.
15 Why are you doing this? We are humans just like you. Please give up all this foolishness. Turn to the living God, who made the sky, the earth, the sea, and everything in them. 16 In times past, God let each nation go its own way. 17 But he showed he was there by the good things he did. God sends rain from heaven and makes your crops grow. He gives food to you and makes your hearts glad.
segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2017
Who will worry about you?
5 People of Jerusalem,
who will feel sorry for you?
Will anyone bother to ask if you are well?
6 My people, you abandoned me and walked away.
I am tired of showing mercy; that's why I'll destroy you
who will feel sorry for you?
Will anyone bother to ask if you are well?
6 My people, you abandoned me and walked away.
I am tired of showing mercy; that's why I'll destroy you
Quem vai se preocupar com vocês?
5 Deus diz:
“Quem terá dó de vocês, moradores de Jerusalém?
Quem vai se preocupar com vocês?
Quem vai parar um pouco para perguntar como vocês estão passando?
6 Vocês me rejeitaram e viraram as costas para mim.
Aí levantei a mão e esmaguei vocês porque estava cansado de perdoar.
Sou eu, o Senhor, quem está falando.
“Quem terá dó de vocês, moradores de Jerusalém?
Quem vai se preocupar com vocês?
Quem vai parar um pouco para perguntar como vocês estão passando?
6 Vocês me rejeitaram e viraram as costas para mim.
Aí levantei a mão e esmaguei vocês porque estava cansado de perdoar.
Sou eu, o Senhor, quem está falando.
domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2017
Four Hands Sonnet
All of love that exists in me has been given.
All that speaks of me of love has been said.
From nothing in me, love made the infinite
That by far made me enslaved.
So prodigal of love I was poor
So easy to love I was banished.
Every vow I made rose to shout
Against my own give too much.
I have given of love more than I could
In this my poor human heart
Of this eternal love of mine did not give before.
For if by so much giving I made a mistake
Better off giving and receiving
To live the life of love without harm.
Vinicius de Moraes and Paulo Mendes Campos
Limits of Love
Damn I'm loving you
At my limits
Until exhausted and more wanting
A total love, free from fences,
Say goodbye to me, suffered,
In the direction of another love
That you think total and total will be
At their limits of life.
Love is not measured
For the freedom to exhibit in the squares
And bars, without hindrance.
Of course this is good, and sometimes,
But if you also love in another way, uncertain,
And this is the mystery:
- unlimited love is sometimes limited,
Forbidden is that love sometimes breaks free.
Affonso Romano de Sant'anna
For a long time I thought that absence is lacking.
And pitied, Ignorant, the lack.
Today I dont regret It
There is no lack in absence.
The absence is a being in me.
And I feel It, white, so close, snug in my arms,
Who laugh and dance and make merry exclamations,
Because absence, this assimilated absence,
No one steals it from me anymore.
Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Loving you is a thing of minutes
Loving you is a thing of minutes
Death is less than your kiss.
It's so good to be yours that I am
I at thy feet shed
Little left of what I went
It's up to you whether it's good or bad.
I'll be whatever you think is convenient.
I will be for you more than a dog
A shadow that warms you
A God who does not forget
A servant who does not say no
Your father died, I will be your brother.
I'll say the verses you want
I will forget all women.
I will be so much and everything and everyone
You'll be disgusted that I am this
And I will be at your service
While my body lasts
While I run in the veins
The red river that ignites
When you see your face as a torch
I will be your king your bread your thing your rock
Yes, I'll be here.
Paulo Leminski
Fidelity Sonnet
Of everything, to my love I will be attentive
Before, and with such zeal, and always, and both
That even in the face of the greatest charm
Of It, be more enchanted my thought
I want to live it in every moment
And in its honor I must spread my song
And laugh my laughter and shed my tears
To your regret or your contentment
And so when you look for me later
Who knows death, the anguish of those who live
Who knows the loneliness, the end of who loves
I can tell you the love (I had):
May it not be immortal, since it is flame
But let it be infinite while it lasts.
Vinicius de Moraes