segunda-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2015

Tobit voltou para a sua casa; e foram-lhe restituídos todos os seus bens.

1. Tobit, da tribo e da cidade de Neftali (situada na Galiléia superior, acima de Naasson, atrás do caminho do ocidente, tendo à esquerda a cidade de Sefet), 2. foi levado para o cativeiro no tempo de Salmanasar, rei dos assírios. Embora cativo, ele não abandonou o caminho da verdade.
3. Tudo aquilo, de que podia dispor, distribuía cada dia a seus irmãos de raça, que partilhavam com ele sua sorte de cativo.
4. Embora fosse ele o mais jovem da tribo de Neftali, seu proceder nada tinha de pueril.
5. Por isso, enquanto todos eles iam adorar os bezerros de ouro que o rei de Israel, Jeroboão, tinha feito, só ele fugia da companhia de todos e 6. dirigia-se ao templo do Senhor em Jerusalém, onde adorava o Senhor Deus de Israel, oferecendo fielmente as primícias e os dízimos de todos os seus bens.
7. De três em três anos, dava aos prosélitos e aos estrangeiros todo o seu dízimo.
8. Esta e outras práticas semelhantes da lei de Deus, tinha observado desde a sua infância.
9. Quando se tornou adulto, desposou uma mulher de sua tribo, chamada Ana, da qual teve um filho, a quem deu o nome de Tobias.
10. Ensinou-lhe desde a sua mais tenra idade a temer a Deus e a se abster de todo o pecado.
11. Desse modo, quando chegou com sua mulher e seu filho, como cativo, no meio de sua tribo, à cidade de Nínive, 12. embora todos os outros comessem dos alimentos dos pagãos, guardou sua alma pura, e jamais contraiu mancha alguma com seus alimentos.
13. E porque ele conservava com todo o seu coração a lembrança de Deus, Deus tornou-o simpático ao rei Salmanasar, 14. que o autorizou a ir aonde quisesse, e a fazer o que quer que lhe agradasse.
15. Ele ia, pois, visitar todos os deportados e dava-lhes conselhos salutares.
16. Foi um dia a Ragés, cidade da Média, com dez talentos de prata que o rei lhe tinha dado.
17. Encontrando entre a multidão dos seus compatriotas um homem de sua tribo, chamado Gabael, o qual se achava em dificuldades, deu-lhe a sobredita quantia de prata, mediante um recibo.
18. Passou o tempo; Salmanasar morreu e Senaquerib, seu filho, sucedeu-lhe no trono. Ora, Senaquerib odiava os israelitas.
19. Tobit ia diariamente visitar toda a sua parentela, consolava-a e distribuía dos seus bens a cada um, segundo as suas posses.
20. Alimentava os famintos, vestia os nus, e, com uma solicitude toda particular, sepultava os defuntos e os que tinham sido mortos.
21. Quando o rei Senaquerib, fugindo da Judéia ao castigo com que Deus o ferira por suas blasfêmias, mandou assassinar, na sua ira, um grande número de israelitas, Tobit sepultou os seus cadáveres.
22. Denunciaram-no ao rei, que o mandou matar e confiscou todos os seus bens.
23. Tobit, porém, despojado de tudo, fugiu com seu filho e sua mulher e, como tinha muitos amigos, conseguiu permanecer oculto.
24. Ora, quarenta e cinco dias depois, o rei foi assassinado por seus filhos, 25. e Tobit voltou para a sua casa; e foram-lhe restituídos todos os seus bens.

1 I am Tobit and this is the story of my life. My father was Tobiel, my grandfather was Ananiel, and my great-grandfather was Aduel. Aduel's father was Gabael; his grandfather was Raphael; and his great-grandfather was Raguel, who belonged to the clan of Asiel, a part of the tribe of Naphtali. 2 During the time that Shalmaneser was emperor of Assyria, I was taken captive in my hometown of Thisbe, located in northern Galilee, south of Kadesh in Naphtali, northwest of Hazor, and north of Phogor.

Tobit's Early Life
3 All my life I have been honest and have tried to do what was right. I often gave money to help needy relatives and other Jews who had been deported with me to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.

4 When I was young, I lived in northern Israel. All the tribes in Israel were supposed to offer sacrifices in Jerusalem. It was the one city that God had chosen from among all the Israelite cities as the place where his Temple was to be built for his holy and eternal home. But my entire tribe of Naphtali rejected the city of Jerusalem and the kings descended from David. 5 Like everyone else in this tribe, my own family used to go to the city of Dan in the mountains of northern Galilee to offer sacrifices to the gold bull-calf which King Jeroboam of Israel had set up there.

Tobit's Faithfulness to His Religion
6 I was the only one in my family who regularly went to Jerusalem to celebrate the religious festivals, as the Law of Moses commands everyone to do. I would hurry off to Jerusalem with the first part of my harvest, the first-born of my animals, a tenth of my cattle, and the freshly clipped wool from my sheep. Then I would stand before the altar in the Temple, and give these offerings to the priests, the descendants of Aaron. 7 I would give a tenth of my grain, wine, olive oil, pomegranates, figs, and other fruits to the Levites who served God in Jerusalem. Every year, except the seventh year when the land was at rest,[a] I would sell a second tenth of my possessions and spend the money in Jerusalem on the festival meal.

8 But every third year, I would give a third tithe[b] to widows and orphans and to foreigners living among my people, and we would eat the festival meal together. I did this in keeping with the Law of Moses, which Deborah, the mother of my grandfather Ananiel, had taught me to obey. (I had been left an orphan when my father died.)

Tobit's Faithfulness in Exile
9 When I grew up, I married Anna, a member of my own tribe. We had a son and named him Tobias. 10 Later, I was taken captive and deported to Assyria, and that is how I came to live in Nineveh.

While we lived in Nineveh, all my relatives and the other Jews used to eat the same kind of food as the other people who lived there, 11 but I refused to do so. 12 Since I took seriously the commands of the Most High God, 13 he made Emperor Shalmaneser respect me, and I was placed in charge of purchasing all the emperor's supplies.

14 Before the emperor died, I made regular trips to the land of Media to buy things for him there. Once, when I was in the city of Rages in Media, I left some bags of money there with Gabael, Gabrias' brother, and asked him to keep them for me. There were more than 600 pounds of silver coins in those bags. 15 When Shalmaneser died, his son Sennacherib succeeded him as emperor. It soon became so dangerous to travel on the roads in Media that I could no longer go there.

Tobit Buries the Dead
16 While Shalmaneser was still emperor, I took good care of my own people whenever they were in need. 17 If they were hungry, I shared my food with them; if they needed clothes, I gave them some of my own. Whenever I saw that the dead body of one of my people had been thrown outside the city wall, I gave it a decent burial.

18 One day Sennacherib cursed God, the King of Heaven; God punished him, and Sennacherib had to retreat from Judah. On his way back to Media he was so furious that he killed many Israelites. But I secretly removed the bodies and buried them; and when Sennacherib later searched for the bodies, he could not find them.

19 Then someone from Nineveh told the emperor that I was the one who had been burying his victims. As soon as I realized that the emperor knew all about me and that my life was in danger, I became frightened. So I ran away and hid. 20 Everything I owned was seized and put in the royal treasury. My wife Anna and my son Tobias were all I had left.

Tobit's Nephew Rescues Him
21 About six weeks later, two of Sennacherib's sons assassinated him and then escaped to the mountains of Ararat. Another son, Esarhaddon, became emperor and put Ahikar, my brother Anael's son, in charge of all the financial affairs of the empire. 22 This was actually the second time Ahikar was appointed to this position, for when Sennacherib was emperor of Assyria, Ahikar had been wine steward, treasurer, and accountant, and had been in charge of the official seal. Since Ahikar was my nephew, he put in a good word for me with the emperor, and I was allowed to return to Nineveh.