segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2018

The Invisible World of Women - Page 81

Love is the basis of everything.

And it is out of love that I decided to study life.

In our journey we met immature people with respect to their emotions, and depend on games for their achievements, we cannot judge them, everyone is at some point of development, but for me it was always very simple, when we love people take care and wish the best for the person, it's logic!

This internal conflict due to lack of maturity ends up being reflected in actions, and this in all areas of our lives, not only in affective relationships, but in this one, the mismatch is clear, the searches are incessant, no matter if for material goods or a soul twin, what's going wrong? What's happening with the world? If I find the answer to my problems, they will certainly serve the majority, yes, for thinking beings, remembering, beings created in the likeness of God.

So I go to the end of it without fear.

This week I will still do an experiment, something that can open my conscience even more, make me see and understand things that I have always defended without knowing why. Like the text I wrote on July 5, 2017.

Everything that man can not explain ... Better to ignore!
This is how they go about their lives.
Sad, desolate, depressive, trying to fill a void that looks more like a bottomless pit.
They suit the system ... or revolt with it
Could it be that what they believe to be real by simply being able to see and touch was not the illusion?
Do not those who cling to truth do not make them more alienated?
And they go on in their simulated realities
Prioritize in life what they can have nothing
The moment of the one truth arrives without knowing what they really are
Arrogance, prepotency, common and necessary feelings to dribble your fears
The worst is to follow the natural rhythm of life without accepting
Time does not stop and it does not forgive
And what would be offset in personal and unique growth is lost in the limited blindness of what they can see.
And if the question has no answer ... better be quiet
And if in fact I can not take it or feel it ... better believe it does not exist.
How about a red pill?

I decided to take a red pill !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Page 81


O amor é a base de tudo.

E é por amor que resolvi estudar a vida.

Em nossa caminhada encontramos pessoas imaturas com relação as suas emoções, e dependem de jogos para as suas conquistas, não podemos julga-las, todos se encontram em algum ponto de desenvolvimento, mas para mim sempre foi tudo muito simples, quando a gente ama a gente cuida e deseja o melhor para a pessoa, é a lógica! 

Esse conflito interno por falta de maturidade acaba refletindo em ações, e isso em todas as áreas de nossas vidas, não só nos relacionamentos afetivos, mas neste, o desencontro é claro, as buscas são incessantes, não importa se por bens materiais ou uma alma gêmea, o que está acontecendo de errado? o que está acontecendo com o mundo? Se eu acho a resposta para os meus problemas, com certeza elas servirão para a maioria, sim, para seres pensantes, lembrando, seres criados à semelhança de Deus.

Por isso eu vou até as últimas consequências, sem medo. 

Essa semana ainda vou fazer uma experiência, algo que pode abrir mais ainda a minha consciência, me fazer enxergar e entender coisas que sempre defendi sem saber o porque.  

Como esse texto que escrevi no dia 05 de julho de 2017.

Tudo aquilo que o homem não pode explicar... Melhor ignorar!
Assim seguem suas vidas..
Tristes, desolados, depressivos, tentando preencher o vazio que parece mais um poço sem fundo.
Se adequam ao sistema... ou se revoltam com ele
Será que o que acreditam ser real por simplesmente poder ver e tocar, não seria a ilusão?
Será que o que se apegam como verdade não os deixam mais alienados?
E continuam nas suas realidades simuladas
Priorizam na vida o que dela nada podem ter
Chegando o momento da unica verdade sem saber o que de fato são
Arrogância, prepotência sentimentos comuns e necessários para driblar seus medos
O pior é seguir o ritmo natural da vida sem aceitar
O tempo não para e nem perdoa
E o que seria compensado no crescimento único e pessoal se perde na cegueira limitada do que podem enxergar.
E se a pergunta não tem resposta... melhor se calar
E se de fato não posso pegar, nem sentir... melhor acreditar não existir.
E aí... que tal uma red pill?

Eu resolvi tomar uma red pill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Página 81

The Invisible World of Woman - Page 80

There have been many things, continuing the previous page, but I believe I will leave to speak the moment the opportunity arises and the need to touch on some subjects, in fact, I was not born to stay on the wall, nor to please anyone changing my concepts, much less look at life with the eyes of others, we have all been gifted with intelligence and why not use it? The change in me happens through my search for answers. Like the voice within me, this is not inherent in me, we all have, the point is to lower the ego so we can hear it.
There are people with the ego bigger than themselves, and that blinds them, there were so many chat rooms where I read these people talk about suicide as something common, a way out of their sorrows and pains. Sweet mistake, the problem just begins ...
This month was quite complicated in the office, I had to do the work of an employee who went on vacation, and this I believe was the best thing that happened to me lately ... I like challenges, and in 10 days ... done ! A job that is spent on average 30 days to be accomplished. I made mine and mine in 10 days. I was surprised, of course knowing that nothing of what was happening was a merit of mine, wanted to understand, just to understand.

And who knows me already knows that I do everything my way, I am not afraid, I have criteria.
Only here, I touch on four points that stir my curiosity and increase the questions, the voice inside me, develop a job so quickly, the sadness that is taking over the world and this love that only brings me pain ... I I want to relearn to love, and I know I can.

This last one was my biggest fuel, it was for him that I decided to study and it is his that I want to treat, a decision without return, because the door that could feed this feeling (which causes me pain) I just closed. I did not turn a page, I closed the book.

Now begins my walk, and I found interesting quantum mechanics where it says that everything is wave, there is no matter, exactly what you believe is your reality, the mind creates the reality of the person, what you think you create, complicated is not ? But this concept is the basis of a movie I watched, The Secret, being that here I have scientific experiments.
Quantum mechanics today is already used in everything, in the cell phone, in the TV, in fact, I can quote several things here, including the proposal will be or is already quantum computers, and what the base of this, what would be the difference?

Just to know a little, I went to search on Wikipedia

"A classical computer has a memory made up of bits, where each bit is represented by either a one or a zero. A quantum computer, on the other hand, maintains a sequence of qubits, which can represent a one, a zero, or any quantum superposition of those two qubit states; a pair of qubits can be in any quantum superposition of 4 states, and three qubits in any superposition of 8 states. In general, a quantum computer with {\displaystyle n} n qubits can be in an arbitrary superposition of up to {\displaystyle 2^{n}} 2^{n} different states simultaneously. (This compares to a normal computer that can only be in one of these {\displaystyle 2^{n}} 2^{n} states at any one time).

A quantum computer operates on its qubits using quantum gates and measurement (which also alters the observed state). An algorithm is composed of a fixed sequence of quantum logic gates and a problem is encoded by setting the initial values of the qubits, similar to how a classical computer works. The calculation usually ends with a measurement, collapsing the system of qubits into one of the {\displaystyle 2^{n}} 2^{n} eigenstates, where each qubit is zero or one, decomposing into a classical state. The outcome can therefore be at most {\displaystyle n} n classical bits of information (or, if the algorithm did not end with a measurement, the result is an unobserved quantum state).

Quantum algorithms are often probabilistic, in that they provide the correct solution only with a certain known probability. Note that the term non-deterministic computing must not be used in that case to mean probabilistic (computing), because the term non-deterministic has a different meaning in computer science.

An example of an implementation of qubits of a quantum computer could start with the use of particles with two spin states: "down" and "up" (typically written {\displaystyle |{\downarrow }\rangle } |{\downarrow }\rangle  and {\displaystyle |{\uparrow }\rangle } |{\uparrow }\rangle , or {\displaystyle |0{\rangle }} |0{\rangle } and {\displaystyle |1{\rangle }} |1{\rangle }). This is true because any such system can be mapped onto an effective spin-1/2 system."

Reading what is written above, and analyzing the next text, I also picked up the same source, do not have a word of mine in these texts, for now ...
I can trust that there is much more to understand, to assimilate and accept as truth. This experiment was denied, despite these images:

"The Philadelphia Experiment is an alleged military experiment supposed to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sometime around October 28, 1943. The U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge (DE-173) was claimed to have been rendered invisible (or "cloaked") to enemy devices.
The story first appeared in 1955, in letters of unknown origin sent to a writer and astronomer, Morris K. Jessup. It is widely understood to be a hoax; the U.S. Navy maintains that no such experiment was ever conducted, that the details of the story contradict well-established facts about USS Eldridge, and that the alleged claims do not conform to known physical laws.

Origins of the story
In 1955, astronomer and UFO buff Morris K. Jessup, the author of the just published book The Case for the UFO, about unidentified flying objects and the exotic means of propulsion they might use, received two letters from a Carlos Miguel Allende (who also identified himself as "Carl M. Allen" in another correspondence) who claimed to have witnessed a secret World War Two experiment at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. In this experiment, Allende claimed the destroyer escort USS Eldridge (DE-173) was rendered invisible, teleported to New York, teleported to another dimension where it encountered aliens, and teleported through time, resulting in the death of several sailors, some of whom were fused with the ship's hull. Jessup dismissed Allende as a "crackpot".

In early 1957, Jessup was contacted by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in Washington, D.C., who had received a parcel containing a paperback copy of The Case for the UFO in a manila envelope marked "Happy Easter." The book had been extensively annotated in its margins, written with three different shades of pink ink, appearing to detail a correspondence among three individuals, only one of which is given a name: "Jemi." The ONR labelled the other two "Mr. A." and "Mr. B."

The annotators referred to each other as "Gypsies" and discussed two different types of "people" living in outer space. Their text contained non-standard use of capitalization and punctuation, and detailed a lengthy discussion of the merits of various elements of Jessup's assumptions in the book. There were oblique references to the Philadelphia Experiment (one example is that "Mr. B." reassures his fellow annotators who have highlighted a certain theory which Jessup advanced). Based on the handwriting style and subject matter, Jessup concluded a large part of the writing was Allende's, and others have the same conclusion, that the three styles of annotations are from the same person using three pens.

The ONR funded a small printing of 100 copies of the volume by the Texas-based Varo Manufacturing Company, which later became known as the Varo edition, with the annotations therefore known as the Varo annotations.

Jessup tried to publish more books on the subject of UFOs, but was unsuccessful. Losing his publisher and experiencing a downturn in his personal life led him to commit suicide in Florida on April 30, 1959. 

In 1963, Vincent Gaddis published a book of Forteana, titled Invisible Horizons: True Mysteries of the Sea. In it he recounted the story of the experiment from the Varo annotations.
George E. Simpson and Neal R. Burger published a 1978 novel titled Thin Air. In this book, set in the present day, a Naval Investigative Service officer investigates several threads linking wartime invisibility experiments to a conspiracy involving matter transmission technology.
Large-scale popularization of the story came about in 1979 when the author Charles Berlitz, who had written a best selling book on the Bermuda Triangle, and his co-author, ufologist William L. Moore, published The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility, which purported to be a factual account. The book expanded on stories of bizarre happenings, lost unified field theories by Albert Einstein, and government coverups, all based on the Allende/Allen letters to Jessup.

Moore and Berlitz devoted one of the last chapters in The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility to "The Force Fields Of Townsend Brown," namely the experimenter and then-U.S. Navy technician Thomas Townsend Brown. Paul Violette's book Secrets of Anti-Gravity Propulsion[when?] also recounts some mysterious involvement of Townsend Brown..

The story was adapted into a 1984 time travel film called The Philadelphia Experiment, directed by Stewart Raffill. Though only loosely based on the prior accounts of the "Experiment", it served to dramatize the core elements of the original story. In 1990, Alfred Bielek,[11][12] a self-proclaimed former crew-member of USS Eldridge and an alleged participant in the Experiment,[13] supported the version as it was portrayed in the film. He added details of his claims through the Internet, some of which were picked up by mainstream news outlets.[14]

General synopsis
Note: Several different, and sometimes contradictory versions of the alleged experiment have circulated over the years. The following synopsis recounts key story points common to most accounts.
The experiment was allegedly based on an aspect of some unified field theory, a term coined by Albert Einstein to describe a class of potential theories; such theories would aim to describe — mathematically and physically — the interrelated nature of the forces of electromagnetism and gravity, in other words, uniting their respective fields into a single field.

According to some accounts, unspecified "researchers" thought that some version of this field would enable using large electrical generators to bend light around an object via refraction, so that the object became completely invisible. The Navy regarded this of military value and it sponsored the experiment.

Another unattributed version of the story proposes that researchers were preparing magnetic and gravitational measurements of the seafloor to detect anomalies, supposedly based on Einstein's attempts to understand gravity. In this version, there were also related secret experiments in Nazi Germany to find anti-gravity, allegedly led by SS-Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler.

There are no reliable, attributable accounts, but in most accounts of the supposed experiment, USS Eldridge was fitted with the required equipment at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. Testing began in the summer of 1943, and it was supposedly successful to a limited extent. One test resulted in Eldridge being rendered nearly invisible, with some witnesses reporting a "greenish fog" appearing in its place. Crew members complained of severe nausea afterwards. Also, reportedly, when the ship reappeared, some sailors were embedded in the metal structures of the ship, including one sailor who ended up on a deck level below that where he began and had his hand embedded in the steel hull of the ship, as well as some sailors who went "completely bananas." There is also a claim the experiment was altered after that point at the request of the Navy, limiting it to creating a stealth technology that would render USS Eldridge invisible to radar.[citation needed] None of these allegations have been independently substantiated.

The conjecture then claims that the equipment was not properly re-calibrated, but that in spite of this, the experiment was repeated on October 28, 1943. This time, Eldridge not only became invisible, but she disappeared from the area in a flash of blue light and teleported to Norfolk, Virginia, over 200 miles (320 km) away. It is claimed that Eldridge sat for some time in view of men aboard the ship SS Andrew Furuseth, whereupon Eldridge vanished and then reappeared in Philadelphia at the site it had originally occupied. It was also said that the warship went approximately ten minutes back in time.

Many versions of the tale include descriptions of serious side effects for the crew. Some crew members were said to have been physically fused to bulkheads while others suffered from mental disorders, some re-materialized inside out, and still others vanished. It is also claimed that the ship's crew may have been subjected to brainwashing, to maintain the secrecy of the experiment.

Evidence and research
The historian Mike Dash notes that many authors who publicized the "Philadelphia Experiment" story after that of Jessup appeared to have conducted little or no research of their own. Through the late 1970s, for example, Allende/Allen was often described as mysterious and difficult to locate, but Goerman determined Allende/Allen's identity after only a few telephone calls. Others speculate that much of the key literature emphasizes dramatic embellishment rather than pertinent research. Berlitz's and Moore's account of the story (The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility) claimed to include factual information, such as transcripts of an interview with a scientist involved in the experiment, but their work has also been criticized for plagiarising key story elements from the novel Thin Air which was published a year earlier.

Misunderstanding of documented naval experiments
Personnel at the Fourth Naval District have suggested that the alleged event was a misunderstanding of routine research during World War II at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. An earlier theory was that "the foundation for the apocryphal stories arose from degaussing experiments which have the effect of making a ship undetectable or 'invisible' to magnetic mines."[16] Another possible origin of the stories about levitation, teleportation and effects on human crew might be attributed to experiments with the generating plant of the destroyer USS Timmerman (DD-828), whereby a higher-frequency generator produced corona discharges, although none of the crew reported suffering effects from the experiment.
Observers have argued that it is inappropriate to grant credence to an unusual story promoted by one individual, in the absence of corroborating evidence. Robert Goerman wrote in Fate magazine in 1980, that "Carlos Allende" / "Carl Allen", who is said to have corresponded with Jessup, was Carl Meredith Allen of New Kensington, Pennsylvania, who had an established history of psychiatric illness, and who may have fabricated the primary history of the experiment as a result of his mental illness. Goerman later realized that Allen was a family friend and "a creative and imaginative loner ... sending bizarre writings and claims."
Timeline inconsistencies
The USS Eldridge was not commissioned until August 27, 1943, and it remained in port in New York City until September 1943. The October experiment allegedly took place while the ship was on its first shakedown cruise in The Bahamas, although proponents of the story claim that the ship's logs might have been falsified or else still be classified.

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) stated in September 1996, "ONR has never conducted investigations on radar invisibility, either in 1943 or at any other time." Pointing out that the ONR was not established until 1946, it denounces the accounts of "The Philadelphia Experiment" as complete "science fiction."

A reunion of Navy veterans who had served aboard USS Eldridge told a Philadelphia newspaper in April 1999 that their ship had never made port in Philadelphia.[18] Further evidence discounting the Philadelphia Experiment timeline comes from USS Eldridge’s complete World War II action report, including the remarks section of the 1943 deck log, available on microfilm.

Alternative explanations
Researcher Jacques Vallée describes a procedure on board USS Engstrom (DE-50), which was docked alongside the Eldridge in 1943. The operation involved the generation of a powerful electromagnetic field on board the ship in order to deperm or degauss it, with the goal of rendering the ship undetectable or "invisible" to magnetically fused undersea mines and torpedoes. This system was invented by a Canadian, Charles F. Goodeve, when he held the rank of commander in the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, and the Royal Navy and other navies used it widely during World War II. British ships of the era often included such degaussing systems built into the upper decks (the conduits are still visible on the deck of HMS Belfast (C35) in London, for example). Degaussing is still used today. However, it has no effect on visible light or radar. Vallée speculates that accounts  of USS Engstrom's degaussing might have been garbled and confabulated in subsequent retellings, and that these accounts may have influenced the story of "The Philadelphia Experiment."

Vallée cites a veteran who served on board USS Engstrom and who suggests it might have travelled from Philadelphia to Norfolk and back again in a single day at a time when merchant ships could not: by use of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and Chesapeake Bay, which at the time was open only to naval vessels. Use of that channel was kept quiet: German submarines had ravaged shipping along the East Coast during Operation Drumbeat, and thus military ships unable to protect themselves were secretly moved via canals to avoid the threat. The same veteran claims to be the man that Allende witnessed "disappearing" at a bar. He claims that when the fight broke out, friendly barmaids whisked him out of the bar before the police arrived, because he was under age for drinking. They then covered for him by claiming that he had disappeared.

Very interesting all this is not it? And the most interesting thing is that doing things my way with my little eyes closed, as always, I open the bible and read:

John 4-23
But the time is coming - and it is now - that the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the worshipers whom the Father seeks "

I have no more doubts, I must make this trip because a person showed me that knowledge is power! (Scientifically)
I invite everyone to release their prejudices and paradigms and accompany me, and especially silence the ego, and certainly hear the voice that will lead our journey.
Hasta la vista!

Page 80


Aconteceram muitas coisas, dando continuidade a página anterior, mas acredito que deixarei para falar no momento que surgir a oportunidade e a necessidade de tocar em alguns assuntos, de fato, não nasci pra ficar em cima do muro, nem para agradar a ninguém mudando meus conceitos, muito menos olhar a vida com os olhos dos outros, todos nós fomos dotados de inteligência e por que não usa-la? A mudança em mim acontece, através da minha busca por respostas. Como a voz dentro de mim, isso não é inerente a mim, todos nós temos, a questão é diminuir o ego para que possamos ouvi-la.
Existem pessoas com o ego maior que elas mesmas, e isso as deixam cegas, foram tantas as conversas em salas de chats onde eu lia essas pessoas falarem em suicídio como algo comum, uma saída para as suas tristezas e dores. Doce engano, o problema apenas começa... 
Este mês foi bastante complicado no escritório, tive que fazer o trabalho de uma funcionária  que entrou de férias, e isto acredito que foi a melhor coisa que me aconteceu nos últimos tempos... Gosto de desafios, e em 10 dias... feito! Um trabalho que é gasto em média 30 dias para ser realizado. Realizei o dela e o meu em 10 dias. Eu me surpreendi, lógico sabendo que nada do que estava acontecendo era um mérito meu, queria entender, apenas entender.
E quem me conhece já sabe que faço tudo a minha maneira, não tenho medo, tenho critérios.

Só aqui, toco em quatro pontos que atiçam a minha curiosidade e aumentam os questionamentos, a voz dentro de mim, desenvolver um trabalho com tanta rapidez, a tristeza que está tomando conta do mundo e esse amor que só me traz dores... Eu quero reaprender a amar, e sei que posso.

Este último foi o meu maior combustível, foi por ele que resolvi estudar e é dele que quero tratar, uma decisão sem volta, pois a porta que poderia alimentar este sentimento (o que me causa dor) eu acabei de fechar. Não virei uma página, fechei o livro.

Agora começa a minha caminhada, e achei interessante a mecânica quântica onde diz que tudo é onda, não existe matéria, exatamente o que acredita é a sua realidade, a mente cria a realidade da pessoa, o que você pensa você cria,  complicado não é? Mas esse conceito é a base de um filme que assisti, O Segredo, sendo que aqui eu tenho experimentos científicos.
A mecânica quântica hoje já é usada em tudo, no celular, na TV, enfim, posso citar várias coisas aqui, inclusive a proposta será ou já é computadores quânticos, e qual a base disso, qual seria a diferença? 

Apenas para que conheçam um pouco, fui buscar no Wikipédia 

"Na mecânica quântica é possível que uma partícula esteja em dois ou mais estados ao mesmo tempo. Um famoso exemplo é o gato de Schrödinger. Imagine que um gato esteja dentro de uma caixa, com 50% de chances de estar vivo e 50% de chances de estar morto; para a Mecânica Quântica, até abrirmos a caixa e verificarmos como está o gato, ele deve ser considerado vivo e morto ao mesmo tempo. A esta capacidade de estar simultaneamente em vários estados chama-se superposição.

Um computador clássico tem uma memória feita de bits. Cada bit guarda um "1" ou um "0" de informação. Um computador quântico mantém um conjunto de qubits. Um qubit pode conter um "1", um "0" ou uma sobreposição destes. Em outras palavras, pode conter tanto um "1" como um "0" ao mesmo tempo. O computador quântico funciona pela manipulação destes qubits.

Um computador quântico pode ser implementado com alguns sistemas com partículas pequenas, desde que obedeçam à natureza descrita pela mecânica quântica. Pode-se construir computadores quânticos com átomos que podem estar excitados e não excitados ao mesmo tempo, ou com fótons que podem estar em dois lugares ao mesmo tempo, ou com prótons e nêutrons, ou ainda com elétrons e pósitrons que podem ter estados de spin ao mesmo tempo "para cima" e "para baixo" e se movimentam em velocidades próximas à da luz. Com a utilização destes, ao invés de nano-cristais de silício, o computador quântico é menor que um computador tradicional.

Uma molécula microscópica pode conter muitos milhares de prótons e nêutrons, e pode ser usada como computador quântico com muitos milhares de qubits.Um dos principais problemas enfrentados pelos cientistas é que essas máquinas não operam com bits "normais", mas com qubits — ou "bits quânticos". Cada um desses qubits pode representar 0 ou 1 (como um bit convencional), mas também os dois números ao mesmo tempo, a chamada "relação fásica". É essa capacidade que aumenta exponencialmente as velocidades computacionais."

Lendo o que acima está escrito, e analisando o próximo texto, também peguei na mesma fonte, não tem uma palavra minha nestes textos, por enquanto... 
Posso confiar que há muito mais para entender, assimilar e aceitar como verdade. Este experimento foi negado, apesar destas imagens:


"Experiência Filadélfia ou Projeto Filadélfia foi um suposto projeto naval militar realizado no Estaleiro Naval da Filadélfia em Filadélfia, Estado da Pensilvânia-EUA, por volta de 28 de Outubro de 1943, na qual o destróier de escolta USS Eldridge tornou-se invisível aos observadores por um breve período. É também referido como Projeto Rainbow.
A história é amplamente considerada como uma farsa.[1][2][3] A marinha norte-americana afirma que tais experimentos jamais ocorreram, além disso, detalhes sobre a história contradizem os fatos sobre o USS-Eldridge.[4] Isso, contudo, criou ondas de círculos envolvendo teoria da conspiração, e participantes do Experimento Filadélfia foram relatados em outras teorias da conspiração envolvendo o governo norte-americano.
Resumo do experimento alegado
Várias, diferentes - e às vezes conflitantes - versões sobre o experimento circularam com o passar dos anos. A seguinte sinopse serve para ilustrar pontos-chave comum a maiorias das relatos.[2]
A experiência teria sido conduzida pelo Dr. Franklin Reno (ou Rinehart) como uma aplicação militar da Teoria do campo unificado, um termo cunhado por Albert Einstein. A Teoria do Campo Unificado visa descrever a interação entre as forças que compõem a radiação eletromagnética e a gravidade; embora até a data, nenhuma teoria surgiu com uma expressão matemática viável.
De acordo com as contas que teriam sido possíveis e imagináveis, utilizar alguma versão desta teoria para curvar a luz em volta de um objeto o tornaria essencialmente invisível. Isso teria exigido equipamento especializado e energia suficiente. A Marinha teria considerado isto valioso para uso em guerra e patrocinado a experiência.
Um destróier, o USS Eldridge, teria sido equipado com os equipamentos exigidos nos estaleiros navais da Filadélfia. Testes teriam começado no verão de 1943, sendo bem sucedidos em um grau limitado. Um teste, em 22 de Julho teria então, resultado no Eldridge sendo tornado quase completamente invisível, com algumas testemunhas relatando um "nevoeiro esverdeado" em seu lugar. No entanto, os membros da tripulação teriam se queixado de náuseas depois. Nesse momento, a experiência teria sido alterada a pedido da Marinha, com o novo objetivo a ser exclusivamente invisível ao radar.
O equipamento não teria sido devidamente re-calibrado para este fim, mas, apesar disso o experimento seria realizado novamente em 28 de Outubro. Desta vez, Eldridge teria não só se tornado quase totalmente invisível a olho nu, mas, na verdade, teria desaparecido de seu local em um flash de luz verde. De acordo com algumas notas, a base naval de Norfolk no estado da Virgínia, a pouco mais de 346 km de distância, teria relatado o avistamento do Eldridge em alto-mar, em seguida o Eldridge teria desaparecido de vista e reapareceu na Filadélfia, no local que tinha originalmente ocupado, em um aparente caso de dispersão acidental teletransporte.
Os efeitos fisiológicos do experimento sobre a tripulação teriam sido profundos: quase toda a tripulação adoecera violentamente. Alguns teriam passado a sofrer de doença mental como resultado de sua experiência; comportamento compatível com a esquizofrenia é descrito em outros relatos. Outros membros imóveis, como Jacob L. Murray, teriam desaparecido fisicamente de forma inexplicada e cinco tripulantes teriam se fundido ao metal do anteparo ou do convés do navio. Parados, outros desapareceram dentro e fora do campo de vista. Horrorizados com esses resultados, oficiais da marinha tiveram que cancelar imediatamente o experimento com tais resultados. Todos os sobreviventes da tripulação envolvidos sofreram lavagem cerebral na tentativa de fazer os mesmos perderem memória a respeito de detalhes da experiência."

Muito interessante tudo isso não é? E o mais interessante ainda é que fazendo as coisas à minha maneira com os olhinhos fechados, como sempre, abro a bíblia e leio:

João 4-23 

Mas vem a hora - e é agora - em que os verdadeiros adoradores adorarão o Pai em espírito e verdade, pois são os adoradores que o Pai procura"

Não tenho mais dúvidas, preciso fazer essa viagem pois uma pessoa me mostrou que conhecimento é poder! (Cientificamente)

Convido a todos para soltarem seus preconceitos e paradigmas e me acompanhar, e principalmente silenciar o ego, e com certeza ouvirão a voz que conduzirá nossa viagem.

Hasta la vista!

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