terça-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2017

Nunca neguei quem sou...

Nunca neguei quem sou...
Por que não acreditou em mim?
Tudo poderia ser diferente...
Eu disse que conseguiria matar o amor ou... transformar
Você não quis acreditar...

Nunca neguei quem sou...
Movida pelo amor preciso dele para existir...
E pelo mesmo motivo...
Se necessário for...

Nunca neguei quem sou...
Não é novidade...
Já fui capaz de morrer por amor...
E em mim... hoje ele só existe se recíproco for.
Pois ainda quero continuar vivendo...

Nunca neguei quem sou...
Me perdoa por ser assim...
Me perdoa por você não ter acreditado em mim.

Rosa Soares

I never denied who I am ...

I never denied who I am ...
Why don't you believe me?
Everything would be different ...
I said I could kill the love or transform ...
You Didn't want to believe ...
Played ...

I never denied who I am ...
Moved by love, I need it for me to exist ... ...
And for the same reason ...
If necessary ...

I never denied who I am ...
Unsurprisingly ...
I have been able to die for love ...
And in me ... today it exists only if reciprocal is.
Because I still want to continue living ...
For love!

I never denied who I am ...
Forgive me for being this way ...
Forgive me for you did not believe me.

Rosa Soares

Wise Woman and woman foolish ...

For Wise Women:
God has entrusted to us women the mission of succoring man, regardless of his need: spiritual, physical, psychological or professional. We must help him in his humanity so in need of love and understanding.
Our role in the life of a man is to lead him to God, to help him in those moments when he no longer knows what to do.
Now, I want to throw a challenge to you, which is not so difficult: try to take the burden of responsibility and face this role with a different perspective, taught by Jesus: the optics of love! The more we love this man, take care of him, respect him and care for him, the closer he is to us, the more man he will be, because he will feel loved and healed.
"God saw that it was not good that the man should be alone and made him a suitable helper" (Genesis 2:20)
It is the gratitude of the mother who sees her son growing with maturity and ethics in life; it is the joy of the wife who sees her husband as a man and a professional; it is the blessing of the friend who sees in the friend the smile of Who has overcome a challenge with your help.
Not a burden, but a help to the Lord to build a new man for a new world!
You, woman, have an irreplaceable role to play in a man's life, but rest assured, because God, in His infinite goodness and wisdom, has thought of everything and therefore has given you so many gifts and talents. You already bring the "tools" needed to be that help, to shape this new man. Want to see a simple example? Within you there is a deep dedication, an ability to overcome great obstacles and a broad vision capable of contemplating the beauty hidden behind the mountain. But how can this help you? I will broaden your vision.

Difference between the WISE WOMAN and the INSENSATES
1. A wise woman builds her house. The foolish one knocks the house down with her own hands.
2. Strength and dignity are the dresses of the wise woman. Foolishness is the fashion of prostitutes; Is astute of heart.
3. A wise woman opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of benevolence is on her tongue. The foolish woman is scorching; She is foolish and her words are seductive, she knows no modesty.
4. A wise woman, even in the dark, stands up and gives food to her household. Foolishness is turbulent and stubborn; They do not stop at home their feet. Or it's on the streets or in the squares lurking around every corner.
5. The wise woman, according to the biblical sage, seeks wool and linen and works willingly with her hands. But the foolish one sits at the door of her house or in a chair on the heights of the city, calling to those who follow her path.
6 A wise woman doeth virtuously. The fool, shamefully.
7. The heart of a wise woman's husband trusts her, while the fool's heart rages with jealousy, and takes her appointment book in his pocket .... Control all her steps, control who she walks with and what she spends!

Just a tip !!!!!!!

But I only love one ...

Their Friends Speak:
1 Most beautiful of women, tell us where he has gone.
Let us help you find him.
She Speaks:
2 My darling has gone down to his garden of spices, where he will feed his sheep and gather lilies.
3 I am his, and he is mine, as he feeds his sheep among the lilies.
He Speaks:
4 My dearest, the cities of Tirzah and Jerusalem are not as lovely as you.
Your charms are more powerful than all of the stars in the heavens.
5 Turn away your eyes — they make me melt.
Your hair tosses about as gracefully as goats coming down from Gilead.
6 Your teeth are whiter than sheep freshly washed; they match perfectly, not one is missing.
7 Behind your veil are hidden beautiful rosy cheeks.
8 What if I could have sixty queens, eighty wives, and thousands of others!
9 You would be my only choice, my flawless dove, the favorite child of your mother.
The young women, the queens, and all the others tell how excited you are as they sing your praises:
10 “You are as majestic as the morning sky — glorious as the moon — blinding as the sun!
Your charms are more powerful than all the stars above.”
She Speaks:
11 I went down to see if blossoms were on the walnut trees, grapevines, and fruit trees.
12 But in my imagination I was suddenly riding on a glorious chariot.
Their Friends Speak:
13 Dance! Dance!
Beautiful woman from Shulam, let us see you dance!
She Speaks:
Why do you want to see this woman from Shulam dancing with the others?

Mas eu amo somente uma...

1 Você, a mais bela das mulheres, responda: para onde foi o seu amado?
Que caminho ele seguiu? Nós a ajudaremos a encontrá-lo.
2 O meu amor desceu ao seu jardim, aos canteiros perfumosos.
Ele está alimentando as suas ovelhas no jardim e colhendo lírios.
3 Eu sou do meu amado, e o meu amado é meu.
Ele leva as suas ovelhas para pastarem entre os lírios.
Quinta canção
4 Minha querida, você é bonita como a cidade de Jerusalém, encantadora como a cidade de Tirza e impressionante como essas duas cidades.
5 Desvie de mim os seus olhos, pois eles me perturbam.
Os seus cabelos ondulados são como um rebanho de cabras descendo as montanhas de Gileade.
6 Os seus dentes são brancos como ovelhas com a lã cortada, que acabaram de ser lavadas.
Nenhum deles está faltando, e todos são bem-alinhados.
7 O seu rosto corado brilha atrás do véu.
8 Pode haver sessenta rainhas, oitenta concubinas e muitas moças; 9 mas eu amo somente uma, aquela que é perfeita como uma pomba.
Ela é filha única e a querida da sua mãe.
Todas as mulheres olham para a minha amada e dizem que ela é feliz; rainhas e concubinas a elogiam e dizem:
10 “Quem é esta que parece o nascer do dia, que é bela como a lua, brilhante como o sol, impressionante como esses dois astros e luminosa como o céu cheio de estrelas?”
11 Eu desci ao jardim das amendoeiras para olhar as plantas novas do vale, para ver se as parreiras estavam brotando e se as romãzeiras estavam em flor.
12 Eu estou tremendo. Você me deixou ansioso para amar, tão ansioso como um condutor de carros de guerra para entrar na batalha.
13 Volte, volte, sulamita . 
Volte, volte; nós queremos ver você dançar.
Por que vocês querem me ver dançando a dança da noiva?