quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2018

The Invisible World of Woman - Page 91

I could have explained more, detailed more, but after much analysis, I would not be doing the right thing, my intention was just to make you think, seek your own answers, I know it's complicated, at first we need to change our paradigms, our beliefs, and why would we do this based on another person's thought, concept, and life? It is necessary to have our individual questions, each one lives your own experience, and all change is internal.
Do you remember that I wrote that we were walking together? I am learning, paying more attention to myself, what I feel and why I feel, it is a long journey, but from the moment it is awakened, we can not go back ...
I always saw myself as a fish out of water, and I wanted to understand why I did not flow along with most, as if I were swimming against a stream, today I know the way, I feel like a river running to the sea.
I went through strong catharsis, or rather a personal purification, I think I still pass.
I'm doing the harmonic resonance, but nothing happens by itself.
Harmonic resonance is not a medical act, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, positive thinking, witchcraft or magic, it is a process that uses information waves that gradually clear limiting beliefs and instill in the individual new information to leverage their growth in all areas . It is a tool that serves evolving consciential / spiritual purposes. "
It was a big step that I gave in my life, I would not say in an inconsequential way, but in fact I did nothing that I would have to do, I would need to know what it was, but as I wrote before, with only one answer I found in the bible, I did not need to know anything else. "
But the time is coming - and it is now - that the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the worshipers whom the Father seeks "
Believing it or not, it was my faith that brought me here.
I read a lot, without focusing on the details, if I need to read several times, until I feel what I'm reading, it's a new way of reading for me, it's no longer a reading to solve a question of a test or to reach a necessary result to my work, I have always lived seeing everything through logic, and logic now no longer serves me, concepts no longer matter, I need the abstract, feel the invisible world and touch love.
As for continuing to write here, the process is being ... looking for a word to describe it and not meeting, maybe speaking as I'm feeling is easier ... feel like a river running to the sea .. but to get to the sea, sure that is all that I want most, I have to go through a process of deconstruction, literally, and so I am, deconstructed in the depths of my being, my God how difficult it is to explain this.
I know that whoever started to study the subject understands what I'm trying to convey.
As I said, there is no turning back, I must continue, I will write again soon, now I say goodbye.

Page 91


Eu poderia ter explicado mais, detalhado mais, mas depois de muito analisar, eu não estaria fazendo a coisa certa, a minha intenção era apenas fazer vocês pensarem, buscarem suas próprias respostas, sei que é complicado, a princípio precisamos mudar nossos paradigmas, nossas crenças, e por que faríamos isso baseado no pensamento, conceito e vida de uma outra pessoa?  É necessário termos nossas perguntas individuais, cada um vive sua própria experiência, e toda mudança é interna. 
Lembram que escrevi que estaríamos caminhando juntos? Eu estou aprendendo, prestando mais atenção em mim mesma, no que sinto e porque sinto, é uma longa viagem, mas a partir do momento que isso é despertado, não temos mais como voltar atrás...
Sempre me vi como um peixe fora d'água, e eu queria entender o porque eu não fluía junto com a maioria, como se estivesse nadando contra uma correnteza, hoje eu conheço o caminho, me sinto como um rio que corre para o mar.
Passei por fortes catarses, ou melhor, uma purificação pessoal, acho que ainda passo. 
Estou fazendo a ressonância harmônica, mas nada acontece por si só.
A Ressonância Harmônica não é um ato médico,  psicoterapia, psicanálise, pensamento positivo, feitiçaria ou magia, é um processo que se utiliza de ondas de informação que limpam gradativamente crenças limitantes e inserem no indivíduo novas informações para alavancar seu crescimento, em todas as áreas. É uma ferramenta que serve a propósitos evolutivos conscienciais/espirituais." 
Foi um grande passo que dei em minha vida, eu não diria que de uma forma inconsequente, mas na verdade não fiz nada que eu teria que fazer, eu precisaria saber do que se tratava, mas conforme escrevi antes, com apenas uma resposta que encontrei na bíblia, eu não precisava saber mais nada. "
Mas vem a hora - e é agora - em que os verdadeiros adoradores adorarão o Pai em espírito e verdade, pois são os adoradores que o Pai procura" 
Acreditando ou não, foi a minha fé que me trouxe até aqui.
Leio muito, sem me ater aos detalhes, se preciso leio diversas vezes, até sentir o que estou lendo, é uma nova forma de leitura pra mim, não é mais uma leitura para resolver uma questão de uma prova ou conseguir chegar a um resultado necessário ao meu trabalho, Sempre vivi enxergando tudo através da lógica, e a lógica agora não me serve mais, os conceitos não tem mais nenhuma importância, preciso do abstrato,  sentir o mundo invisível e tocar o amor.
No que diz respeito a continuar escrevendo aqui, o processo está sendo... procurando uma palavra para descrevê-lo e não encontro, talvez falar como estou me sentindo seja mais fácil... sentir como um rio que corre para o mar... mas para chegar ao mar, certa que é tudo o que mais quero, preciso passar por um processo de desconstrução, literalmente,  e assim estou, desconstruída no mais profundo do meu ser, meu Deus como é complicado explicar isso. 
Eu sei que quem começou a estudar o assunto entende o que estou tentando transmitir.
Como disse, não tem volta, preciso continuar, certa que voltarei a escrever em breve, me despeço.

Página 91

sábado, 15 de setembro de 2018

The Invisible World of Woman - Page 90

After the three quotes of physicists, and reading some books, there are moments that we do not know if the author of some sentences, is a physical or a mystic. (laughs).

The previous page posted just so that they understand that we live in a big lie. We know the map but we do not know the territory. It is time for us to open our consciences.

Let's get into the world of quantum physics, I found this video that will help you understand all this.

We are all connected, for I know we are made of atoms, molecules, cells, etc etc etc.

Have more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This time knowing our God every day, I asked one more question, only I opened the Qur'an (Mansour Challita translation) and read the following sentence exactly where my eyes hit:

"Thus did they that were before: God did not mistreat them: they mistreated themselves"

Yes the TODO (ALL)  is love, but the Universe is pure magnetism and only attract what we vibrate.

Everything is explained ... Perfect

  Page 90


Após as três citações dos físicos, e lendo alguns livros, há momentos que não sabemos se o autor  de algumas frases, é um físico ou um místico. (risos).
A página anterior postei só para que entendam que vivemos em uma grande mentira. Conhecemos o mapa mas não conhecemos o território. Está chegando a hora de abrirmos nossas consciências.
Vamos entrar no mundo da física quântica, encontrei este vídeo que ajudará a entender tudo isso.

Todos estamos conectados, pois que eu saiba nós somos feitos de átomos, moléculas, células, etc etc etc.
Tem mais!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dessa vez conhecendo o nosso Deus cada dia mais,  fiz mais uma pergunta, só que abri o Alcorão (tradução Mansour Challita) e lá li a seguinte frase, exatamente onde meus olhos bateram:

"Assim agiam os que antecederam. Deus não os maltratou: maltrataram-se a si mesmos"

Sim o TODO é amor, mas o Universo é puro magnetismo e apenas atraímos o que vibramos.

Tá tudo explicado... Perfeito

 Página 90

quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2018


Um dia cheguei a pensar que eu estaria ficando alienada (risos) pois não mais senti vontade de assistir a TV, algumas coisas no mundo deixaram de ser entretenimento pra mim. Acredito que há mais de 25 anos não vejo o que é tão comum nas telinhas de muitos, novelas, propagandas e jornais. Hoje vejo que alienados é quem ainda usa essa ferramenta tão manipuladora e acreditam em tudo o que é conveniente para eles nos fazerem acreditar. Não há, e nunca houve 100% de verdade no que eles nos passam, mas pode acontecer 100% de mentiras.  


Astronauta Americano Assume: NÃO FOMOS À LUA

Kubrick abriu o bico e contou tudo

Analisem... Pensem...

Logo, logo, estarei de volta!

Página 89

The Invisible World of Woman - Page 89

One day  I thought that I would be getting alienated (laughs) because I no longer wanted to watch TV, some things in the world were no longer entertainment for me. I believe that for more than 25 years I do not see what is so common on the big screen, soap operas, advertisements and newspapers. Today I see how alienated it is who still uses such a manipulative tool and believe in all that is convenient for them to make us believe. There is not, and there has never been a 100% truth in what they do, but 100% of lies can happen.


US astronaut assumes: WE WERE NOT THE MOON

Kubrick opened his mouth and told it all.

Analyze ... Think ...

Soon, soon, I'll be back!

Page 89

domingo, 9 de setembro de 2018

The Invisible World of Woman - Page 88

Many things have changed since I decided to study on this subject, and I assure you, changed for the better, I am very happy with what I am doing, with the new discoveries, but much happier to be finding the answers I have sought throughout my life. They will be commented on in the following pages ... for sure!

For the first time, I have not been able to put with my words a conclusion of something that I am reading, studying, what I will describe next, as well as being a complex subject, it is very extensive, it would take me a long time to put together an idea and do not distort its content, I need to get the right message, the basis of everything must be intact. As I'm reading Fritjof Capra's book, most of the words will be his.

But let's do it!

                                                                                                                                                                  Modern physics has exerted a great influence on almost every aspect of human society.

Today, practically all sectors of industrial activity use the results of atomic physics; In addition, the influence of its results on the political structure of the world through its application via atomic weapons is well known. However, the influence of modern physics surpasses technology, extending to the realm of thought and culture.

The exploration of the atomic and subatomic world in the twentieth century has revealed an unsuspected limitation of classical ideas, leading to a radical revision of many of our basic concepts. The concept of matter in subatomic physics, for example, is totally different from the traditional idea of ​​a material substance as we find in Classical Physics. The same observation can be made regarding concepts such as space, time, or cause and effect. Such concepts, nevertheless, are fundamental in our perception of the world, from its radical transformation, our perspective also came to know a process of transformation.

These transformations generated by modern physics have been widely discussed by physicists and philosophers over the last decades. However, we have rarely been aware of the fact that they all seem to lead in the same direction, that is, to a world view similar to those in Eastern mysticism. The concepts of modern physics are often surprising parallels with the ideas expressed in the Far Eastern religious philosophies. Although these parallels to date have not been extensively discussed, they have not escaped the notice of some of the great physicists of the twentieth century as they come into contact with Eastern culture at their conferences in India, China, and in Japan. Three citations below serve as an example:

The general notions about human understanding ... illustrated by the discoveries in atomic physics, are far from constituting something entirely unknown, novel, new. These notions have a history in our own culture, enjoying a more prominent and central position in Buddhist or Hindu thought. What we shall encounter is an exemplification, an encouragement, and a refinement of the old wisdom.

Julius Robert Oppenheimer the father of the Atomic Bomb, the man who led the Manhattan project scientists and who later opposed the arms race.

If we seek a parallel to the lesson of atomic theory [. . .] [we must turn to] those kinds of epistemological problems with which, in the past, thinkers such as Buddha and Lao Tzu have already met in their attempt to harmonize our position with viewers and actors in the great drama of existence.

Niels Böhr, Danish physicist who became best known for his work on the atomic structure, including receiving the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.

The great scientific contribution in terms of theoretical physics that has come to us from Japan since the last war may be an indication of a certain relation between the philosophical ideas present in the Far East tradition and the philosophical substance of the quantum theory.

Werner Heisenberg, a German theoretical physicist who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932, "for the creation of quantum mechanics, whose applications led to the discovery, among others, of allotropic forms of hydrogen."

Page 88