quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2018

The Invisible World of Woman - Page 91

I could have explained more, detailed more, but after much analysis, I would not be doing the right thing, my intention was just to make you think, seek your own answers, I know it's complicated, at first we need to change our paradigms, our beliefs, and why would we do this based on another person's thought, concept, and life? It is necessary to have our individual questions, each one lives your own experience, and all change is internal.
Do you remember that I wrote that we were walking together? I am learning, paying more attention to myself, what I feel and why I feel, it is a long journey, but from the moment it is awakened, we can not go back ...
I always saw myself as a fish out of water, and I wanted to understand why I did not flow along with most, as if I were swimming against a stream, today I know the way, I feel like a river running to the sea.
I went through strong catharsis, or rather a personal purification, I think I still pass.
I'm doing the harmonic resonance, but nothing happens by itself.
Harmonic resonance is not a medical act, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, positive thinking, witchcraft or magic, it is a process that uses information waves that gradually clear limiting beliefs and instill in the individual new information to leverage their growth in all areas . It is a tool that serves evolving consciential / spiritual purposes. "
It was a big step that I gave in my life, I would not say in an inconsequential way, but in fact I did nothing that I would have to do, I would need to know what it was, but as I wrote before, with only one answer I found in the bible, I did not need to know anything else. "
But the time is coming - and it is now - that the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the worshipers whom the Father seeks "
Believing it or not, it was my faith that brought me here.
I read a lot, without focusing on the details, if I need to read several times, until I feel what I'm reading, it's a new way of reading for me, it's no longer a reading to solve a question of a test or to reach a necessary result to my work, I have always lived seeing everything through logic, and logic now no longer serves me, concepts no longer matter, I need the abstract, feel the invisible world and touch love.
As for continuing to write here, the process is being ... looking for a word to describe it and not meeting, maybe speaking as I'm feeling is easier ... feel like a river running to the sea .. but to get to the sea, sure that is all that I want most, I have to go through a process of deconstruction, literally, and so I am, deconstructed in the depths of my being, my God how difficult it is to explain this.
I know that whoever started to study the subject understands what I'm trying to convey.
As I said, there is no turning back, I must continue, I will write again soon, now I say goodbye.

Page 91

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